“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein
Play with Wiz-Blox
Imagination, Creativity, Real Thinking, Amazement, Tangible Math and Fun
Wiz-Blox takes Tangram into the 3rd Dimension
Wiz-Blox are sets of 7 specially shaped, patented, copyrighted, and trademarked blocks that can be assembled to build over 100,000 different 3-D shapes.
Wiz-Blox is the 3-D cousin of Tangram, the ancient Chinese flat puzzle that amazed people because it can make over 1,000 different shadow pictures.
Tangram History
Tangram was invented in China, about 1,000 years ago.
Sea captains brought Tangrams from China to the world in 1815.
By 1820, it became the world’s most popular puzzle, for the first time.
Schools world-wide use Tangrams to teach 2-D geometry.
Over 2,000,000,000 kids and adults have played with Tangrams.
Many more people have played with Tangram than Rubik’s Cube.
Wiz-Blox has many Sizes, Materials and Colors
Many Prices, from Free (Download Here) to Very Expensive (Solid Gold)
Wiz-Blox Are Creative Building Blox
At every age and at every level of skill, Wiz-Blox provides pure creative Fun!
It’s a tool for endless playful creativity and imaginative stories – and puzzles to solve.
Some puzzles are easy. But others that seem easy are Not!
Wiz-Blox puzzles take effort, time, grit and mental flexibility to solve.
They are made for people, Ages 1 to 101, and their Friends.
As you build things and solve puzzles, you can naturally enhance your spatial reasoning, create strategies, make discoveries and have surprises with Wiz-Blox.
These experiences build the scaffolding of art, design, mathematics, storytelling and all sorts of creative thinking. They jump-start general learning skills, develop methodical thinking, logic and creativity as well as physical coordination.
Many studies, some dating from the 1940s, show that blocks help children absorb basic math concepts.
A 2007 study found that they also build a general foundation for learning. “Those children with block experience scored significantly better on language acquisition tests.”
Brain Building
The growth and pruning of synaptic connections, called synaptogenesis, occurs at an extremely high rate during the first 5 years as children are going through a process of open-ended, multi-sensory, learning at an amazing rate.
Between conception and age three, a child’s brain undergoes the most substantial changes. At birth, children have the same number of neurons they will have as an adult, though the number of synaptic connections will dramatically increase and constantly change throughout life.
During the first year, the size of the brain doubles. By age 3 the brain reaches 80% of its adult size. By age 5, the brain will have reached 90%.
It is therefore essential to provide infant, toddlers and young children with positive, open-ended learning experiences that build scaffolding for their further development in school and when they become adults.
Babies reach and grab with their hands as they explore their world with their eyes, they experience a lot when they play with Wiz-Blox shapes.
Long before toddlers and young children can solve a puzzle, Wiz-Blox can be used as a platform for developing creativity, young children can use the shapes to represent people, places and objects, and tell made-up stories about them.
At about the fifth month, a baby’s eyes are usually capable of good color vision and three-dimensional depth perception. At this stage children are capable of examining and moving Wiz-Blox, creating a wide range of cause and effect knowledge.
By about 10 months of age, children are able to grasp objects with their thumb and forefinger. This increases their ability to manipulate objects.
With opportunity and encouragement, the child’s brain will build the new neural networks that become the scaffolding structures of further creativity and knowledge.
If a child does not receive developmental inputs at an early age, the networks that could have been formed will not be formed,
Neurologic studies show that abilities that use language and math largely depend on exposure in children’s early years. For example, children born into multilingual households easily learn to speak more than one language due to repeated exposure and training when they are young.
In contrast, children who live in monolingual households and exposed to a second language in high school often struggle learning the new language because the language learning neural networks were not formed in their early years.
Numerous studies show that lack of early stimulation is as harmful to children as are deprivations caused by poverty or poor health and nutrition.
Today, more than 200 million children under 5 years fail to reach their potential in cognitive development because of poverty, poor health and nutrition, and lack of early stimulation.
Parents and Children
Play-time with human interaction is essential for healthy development.
Screens do Not have the emotional, intellectual and physical qualities needed for multi-sensory, mult-cognitive brain development. They are a poor substitute for the back and forth
Parent and child playful, open-ended, positive interactions with Wiz-Blox can help create strong bonds and provide significant creative stimulation at any age.
> In order for children to develop their cognitive potential they should engage in free-play, and goal directed play with safe, manipulatable objects such as Wiz-Blox that nurtures the physical, emotional, attention, memory, perception, problem solving, creativity, thinking, language use and social development of the child.
As the child grows, Wiz-Blox experiences naturally develop logical analysis, creative thinking, determination, self-confidence and self-appreciation. These are important for humanity’s> progress in science, art, math, business and society.
>Wiz-Blox players of all ages experience,Sometimes there are many and thereby learn key lessons:
Many different things can be made with the same stuff
Small changes can create very different results
Some puzzles have many right answers
Looking for clues and Experiments solve problems
Persistence pays off – Do Not give up.
With multiple Wiz-Blox sets, think of the amazing things you can build with your imagination. Also, you can compete with friends to see who can solve puzzles theFastest !